Fish shooting game formula, how to play, how to shoot, how to get money, talk about cards for many days Today, let’s take care of online gambling games a bit. this minute, whether online casino I think there is a fish shooting game for us to play and relieve stress everywhere. But it doesn’t matter, the more people play, the more stressful it becomes. That’s because he doesn’t know how to play. I don’t know the formula of the fish shooting game. Today I will reveal that online fish shooting game how do they play So how do you shoot to get money?

What is fish shooting game? How is it different from normal games?
If you think of online games, most people probably think of games that we play for fun every day, right? But for fish shooting games, it’s not. It’s a game that we can actually play and earn money. It was originally just a computer game. with fish swimming around for us to choose to shoot and collect points, but enough with online casinos Come in, he has developed that we can take money to buy ammunition like placing bets. Then shoot the fish to collect points. At the end of the game, take the points and take the bonus that has been exchanged for money back.
Who is worried that the fish shooting game is really reliable or not? How are you sure Online casinos will not cheat us, this one can be worry-free because the games that the casino has chosen to open for service are definitely not games written by black eyes or general programmers. Every game is reviewed and certified by the world’s leading gambling organizations. Therefore, we can be confident that the payout rate is pure, fair, and the amount you can get will depend entirely on our skill.
How to play fish shooting game
As for playing fish shooting game, it’s very simple, just control the direction of the gun, point it at the target fish and hit it. If the fish dies, we will get points. which each fish has different pay rates But what is important to remember is that Every bullet we fire is our stake. Therefore, shooting randomly would not be good.
Let’s talk about the rate of payment and let me explain more. Because each type of fish will have a rate that is not equal to A die-hard fish usually pays a lot. Fish that die easily tend to pay less. Even so, it’s not always like this. Some fish games are hard to die and pay less. So our job is to remember exactly which fish is worth the cost of the ammo lost.
As for the game elements, there aren’t a lot of them, there are targets, guns and ammunition, but what needs to be studied further is the game’s details. because it tells the pay rate of each fish In addition, in some game rooms, we will meet other players who will come together to shoot fish or hunt down boss fish as well. which has a maximum of 6 people per room
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So how to play fish shooting game to get money?
As I said before, every bullet is valuable, don’t throw it away. If you persist in doing that, you’ll definitely lose. Therefore, how to shoot fish is important to talk about. will be able to play and gain profits, let’s go home
know the direction, know the way the fish will go
The direction of swimming will allow us to guess. including determining the direction to shoot accurately Don’t forget that the fish is a moving target. some go in a straight line some zigzag or some may come around and find it difficult to catch the road So we have to estimate the shooting distance well and trap the right way.
In addition, there is another quirky thing that often happens in fish shooting games, that is when other fish swim to cover the target while the bullets are flying. So it’s not just the goal. We also need to look at nearby fish to see if they come in to consume our bullets or not.

Choose fish that are worth the price.
Because each fish has different pay rates. Most of the people who die easily tend to pay less. Whoever dies hard, pays a lot. And besides, the ammunition we buy, we can also set the price. It’s like placing a bet on how many baht you will post in this eye. Therefore, if using expensive ammunition to shoot cheap fish Even though it’s easy to die, it doesn’t seem worth it anyway.
hunt some big fish
Who uses cheap ammunition? Or if you want to spend a little budget to have fun with fish shooting games for a long time, you can hunt big fish with him as well. Because this game, the price of ammunition does not affect the shooting force at all. It’s just a payout multiplier. Now, when there is a big fish swimming in the distance, it can be managed to shoot. Even with a single baht of bullets, you can make a profit by killing big fish as well.
Use bonuses at the right time
While we were shooting fish, there were moments when a bonus fish would appear for us to shoot. And when you get a bonus, it doesn’t mean you have to use it immediately. For example, as a frozen bonus, we might spend time with a lot of young fish together and then freeze them before shooting for points. Or you can use it to soak the boss fish as well. It will also help us kill bosses more easily as well. Remember that the right place at the right time definitely wins.
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